November 15, 2020

Spooky Halloween Cat


The Look Alike

One day two Octobers ago, I was in my garage. Sitting at my desk, I was playing on the computer on the website, ABCya. Suddenly, a long black cat crawled through the cat door, looking for some treats. It looked like my cat at first, but its front paws were black. My cat, Dora, has white spots on her front paws with a little white on her chin. So who was this strange cat?

What makes this super spooky is that it was very close to Halloween when the cat began to sneak into the house. Even more eerily, Dora and the spooky black cat would sit up next to each other like mirror images. Very scary!


Well, the spooky black cat kept coming back to my house each day that October. He would sneak through the cat door, looked for treats in the bowl. After that, he would find my cat Dora and mirrored her. Every single day! Finally, Halloween came and guess what? The spooky black cat never showed itself again that year. So spooky!

Third Cat's a Charm

Even more crazy was the fact that that spooky feral cat came back the following October!  He would grab some snacks, visit with Dora, and leave again each day. After Halloween, he was gone.
Again this fall, the spooky feral cat continued to visit us, especially in October. Unfortunately, we had to temporarily move out of our house during some remodeling.  Strangely enough, we saw a second stray black cat outside the second house where we ended up staying instead.  This black cat looked even more like Dora except it had a very short tail. Where are all of these black cats coming from?

Farewell Friends

Late in October, we moved back into our house. Unfortunately, Dora accepted no visitors as we had to keep the cat door in the garage sealed with all the random furniture and construction around the house. She was now an older cat and didn't like noise. She stayed burrowed in her cat bed under our white wonder of toy shelving. Our other cat, Tion, was there to keep her company, though. 

Sadly, my cat Dora passed away recently. In fact, the day after Halloween this year, she was gone. So eerie how the last two years' experiences seem to reflect this years' - just like the two black cats mirrored each other in passing.

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