December 6, 2011

Integrated Cat Video: The Wave of the Future

Gotta love the catvertising...

November 19, 2011

Octopus Camoflauge

The Infamous Klepto Cat of San Mateo

A real "cat burglar" is on the loose in a Peninsula neighborhood. He is prolific and hard to catch; this burglar makes others look like amateurs.

November 15, 2011

Cat Time

So you run and you run to catch up with the sun but it's sinking,
Racing around to come up behind you again.

October 18, 2011

How Dolphins Could Help Us Communicate with Aliens

"There are many sentient species on our own planet, and that would probably be a good model to start looking at how we might communicate with extra-terrestrial species," says Denise Herzing, founder and Director of the Wild Dolphin Project. Herzing has worked for three decades documenting the daily exchanges of a community of free-ranging Spotted dolphins off the coast of the Bahamas in hopes of finding a dolphin version of the Rosetta Stone.

Read more here.

September 30, 2011

Grand Canyon Mules

Mules are selected for strength, endurance and sure-footedness. They are trained to handle the switchbacks and narrow trails. But, as the wranglers will tell you, they are still animals who may be stubborn at times and may be frightened by an unexpected mountain goat, falling rock or rude hiker on the trail. Oh yes, and did I tell you that the mules walk on the outside half of the trail?

September 27, 2011

Save Vanishing Species™ Semipostal stamp

Click on the tiger if you need more stamps.  It's for a good cause!

Also, if you want to write a letter to congress supporting these beautiful vanishing creatures, check out this address.

September 18, 2011


Perched atop her cat condo, Dora is just a bit put out that this strange little stuffed creature is trying to share her space.  What does it take to get a little privacy around here???

August 31, 2011

Painting Penguins

August 28, 2011

Kitty Balancing Act

Kitty Balancing Act

After losing his job, Charlie Perito, 42, trained his cat, Nick, to climb onto his head and balance there. He didn't do it for fun, but rather as a gimmick to panhandle on the streets of New York.

Kitty Cat Jokes

How do cats end a fight? They hiss and make up.

July 1, 2011

Cow Tor & Goat Henge

     Glastonbury is a small market town with a unique heritage dominated by the "Tor", which can been seen from many miles across Somerset.  The long stairway up to the tor is surrounded by multitudes of sheep, while the entrance/exit is guarded by cows.  We dared not pass.

     Avebury is a Neolithic henge monument containing three stone circles which is located around the village of Avebury in Wiltshire, south west England. Unique amongst megalithic monuments, Avebury contains the largest stone circle in Europe.  It is also home to some very vocal goats. 

June 21, 2011

King Tion

Tion Tillypants is a king among cats
He leaps great heights to attack wayward rats
Tion stalks and pounces unsuspecting prey
Even Dora his housemate gets out of his way

June 19, 2011

Catnap with Dad

Tion bonds with his dad on Father's Day.

Not sure who's more comfortable...

April 9, 2011

Kitty Couple

This animal king and queen are relaxing in the heat of Louisiana.   Don't they make a cute couple?

March 25, 2011

Just Chillin...

The kitties and I decided that we would hang out together on Friday Night.  I was actually trying to log into my email, but these adorable felines just wouldn't leave me alone.  So sweet. 

February 4, 2011

Rest in Peace, Our Crazy Little Beagle

"Noah has left a mark on all of us. I can count two on one hand, one of my calf, and another on my back. Though the deepest one will always be on my heart. 

He was an adventurous little (4 lbs!) puppy that made my 10 year old girl heart swell with love. I remember taking him home after "being fixed" in the Gremlin. His little conked out face looking up from my lap. I remember being in the Astro with mom picking up Kristine from Notre Dame - and making every 14 year old girls hearts swell. I remember hearing his nails shred slightly on the leather of my BMW as he shifted position in the moving car.

He was a crazy little beagle no one could tame but for better or worse, he was there for family vacations, dinners and ultimately, was a member of the Phillips Phamily. He was raising hell while I was being raised. He very much defined a lot of my life. 

Even though he was "my" dog, I think everyone had a special relationship with him. I know Mary would take him on walks and had the ingenious idea to put kibble in a water bottle as a toy. Katie, well, I don't think Katie really took to him but she'd slip him treats from time to time! Kristine, of course, her precious little honey muff. Total unconditional love. Mom, another slightly more resistant but Mom being Mom love and cared for him. And Dad, your son, your buddy. It was always touching to see the shared camaraderie - him at your heels with your every move! 

I want to thank everyone for loving Noah and especially Mom and Dad for granting me the dog in the first place and then caring for him in his old age."