September 30, 2011

Grand Canyon Mules

Mules are selected for strength, endurance and sure-footedness. They are trained to handle the switchbacks and narrow trails. But, as the wranglers will tell you, they are still animals who may be stubborn at times and may be frightened by an unexpected mountain goat, falling rock or rude hiker on the trail. Oh yes, and did I tell you that the mules walk on the outside half of the trail?

September 28, 2011

Cat & Bird Are Friends

September 27, 2011

Save Vanishing Species™ Semipostal stamp

Click on the tiger if you need more stamps.  It's for a good cause!

Also, if you want to write a letter to congress supporting these beautiful vanishing creatures, check out this address.

September 18, 2011


Perched atop her cat condo, Dora is just a bit put out that this strange little stuffed creature is trying to share her space.  What does it take to get a little privacy around here???