November 11, 2010

Supercute Kangaroos

Aahhh, to be a kangaroo...

September 8, 2010


August 1, 2010

Cat at the Docks

So I'm doing this summer research project at several of the marinas along the SF bay. At this one, a super cute and super fluffy kitty just came right up to me to hang out. She must have been bored of catching fish.


Took the kitties outside today... Dora decided to just lounge around and relax while Tion hunted down some squawking birds. Don't worry, he never catches them.

July 11, 2010

Louisiana White Tiger

Check out this majestic creature just chilling on tiger island at the Audubon Zoo in New Orleans, LA.

July 1, 2010

April 13, 2010

Noah the Beagle

Another shot of Noah, this time in his hip rainbow cap. I bet the photographer is holding up a picture of his long lost love, the Donkey. Nothing else could make him wag his tongue like that. :-)

April 12, 2010

The Good Old Days

This is a picture from about six years ago. My sister and I took our dog, Noah the Beagle, to a beach in Half Moon Bay. Noah is huddled up in a towel admiring the pack of horses hiking by in the distance. I think this may have been the first hint of his love affair with donkeys. More on that later....

February 18, 2010

Hey Dora

I took Dora to the vet the other day. She told me that Dora is exceptionally strong for a female, indoor cat. I told the vet this is obviously because Dora is more bad-ass than any other cat in existence.

Never Enough Naps

Napping in the Cat Condo

Tion and the Box

Notice that his ears are turned back... that's bad. He is getting really irritated with me taking constant pictures of him and his box.

January 5, 2010


For the New Year, my kitties made a couple of resolutions. These include:

1. Chase at least one imaginary prey per day (it's good exercise).
2. Drink more water (from the toilet, of course!).
3. Scratch the post several times per day (it's like a manicure).
4. Meow to go outside every chance we get.

I suggested a resolution like "clean my own litterbox", but they were having none of that.