December 28, 2009

Family of Deer

December 5, 2009

Birthday Wishes

This is a flying kitty card that I received for my birthday... it reads "here comes your big birthday hug!" So cute.

December 1, 2009

Dora the Explora

November 30, 2009


These kitties are all dolled up in the style found in the book Painted Cats.

October 25, 2009

Kitties in Costumes

Even though Tion & Dora prefer to celebrate Halloween "sin costume", their owners find costumes like this pumpkin head and pharoah just too cute to resist...

September 30, 2009

Dora Found a Bird Bath

During the warm summer months, I have been taking Tion and Dora outside to enjoy the fresh air of our backyard. Dora has this ritual where she will make a circuit around the backyard, investigating everything in her path. This day she decided to focus on the bird bath.

September 22, 2009

Tion Lounging on the Pavement

Late Night Studying

Little Miss Dora likes to be near me when I work on the computer. She usually falls asleep in various uncomfortable-yet-adorable looking positions like the one here.

September 11, 2009

Cat Action

Here is an old video of Tion that I recently revisited. He does this crazy thing with my stuffed animal tigers that I believe has something to do with mating...

September 10, 2009

Circle of Life Flying Cat

Click on Gracie's picture to see an adorable video of her most recent adventures with catnip.

August 12, 2009

Haiku for Tion

Speeding down the hall
My Archnemisis of Scrunchies
Chases black hairbands

May 17, 2009

A Different Kind of Cat

This picture was taken at Twin Pines Park after a great afternoon of Mother's Day celebration!!!

April 1, 2009

A Day in the Life

This first picture is of Dora in her new leopard skin bed. Sometimes I think she wishes she could hunt in the jungle and be a leopard but she's stuck with us dorky humans. I put the bed above the speakers in our room so she has a nice view of the whole room to peruse her kingdom.

You can tell when these kittties are chillaxing because they will either roll over on their bellies or start licking all extremities. Dora especially likes to roll around on this carpet for some reason.

About half way through the day, Tion and Dora like to nap with their favorite male human.