May 30, 2007

Fast Friends

After a week of hissing and biting, my two little ones are finally learning how to play nice.

May 28, 2007

Dora the Explorer

Well... it has finally happened! Tion Tillypants has a new playmate in the house. Her name is Dora the Explorer (like the Nick Jr. cartoon show) because of her insatiable appetite for exploration. Already, she has mapped out every nook and cranny of our apartment. So far, her favorite spot seems to be Tion's food bowl. :-)
I was able to snap a photo of one of the big chases that Tion and Dora partake in whenever possible. These encounters usually start with Dora posturing as if to overtake Tion, then quickly turn into Tion outrunning and often overrunning Dora. It's really only scary when he bites her neck. Already I can see that they will soon be comfy friends.

May 20, 2007

Rosie the Bag Lady

Meet Rosie. She and Tion had a falling out a while back, but she is none the less pretty cool. While her people parents were enjoying their honeymoon, I had the honor of visiting Rosie for regular play dates. One day, she managed to get a Starbucks bag around her body and it was a major adventure trying to get it off.

May 3, 2007

Lounging Around

After a long night of chasing bugs and invisible creatures, Tion lounges around in bed with his favorite house mate. Even though kitty cats often take many short naps, Tion always seems to be in bed when it's time for Mary to wake up...